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More YouTube Brilliance & Inspiration!

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The next couple of posts will contain more words on the forms of leadership needed to champion innovation, and on collaboration, which is lifeblood for innovation.  But first, here are some additional videos hosted through YouTube exploring creative thinking that will be sure to inspire and tickle:  

And finally, as much as I am an evangelist on behalf of creative thinking and innovation, I’ve got to hand it to IBM which hired some very creative talent to produce these lovable videos poking fun at the innovation movement.  Well done!




YouTube logo For a break away from talking about creativity, I'm passing along the links below to some wonderful videos on the subject.  They're all just 1-2 minutes (time noted in parentheses).  They've been grouped into what I see as a natural progression:

The problem with limited, fixed thinking; a look at what inspired creativity and innovation can cause in our world; some delightful applied examples; and a few interesting tips for cultivating your creative thinking, a couple of which I'd not heard before.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.  As always, please share: with me, with others following this blog, and with friends!  Cheers! 

The Problem

  • The Creativity Company – Create your own box  (:57)


  • OCAD – What Can Creativity Do (2:53)

  • Think different (1:07)

Some examples:

  • Think Outside The Box (1:02)
  • Think Outside the Box – (1:29)

A few suggestions:

  • How To Stimulate the Creative Process (1:46)

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